Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mexican Dinner

For school Kit was studying Mexico. In a previous post you can see that we made a pinata. This was just the start. We decorated it, put candy in it and devised a plan to hang it. After it was all over we knew many things that we would do differently if we had it to do all over. We would put the string to hang it starting it at the bottom and running through it. We had trouble with it pulling out. We would also put more tissue paper on as a background. Kit was disappointed that the newspaper could be seen through the tissue paper.  I was happy with the end product since it was our first time trying.

Friday night we had a Mexican dinner. We fixed fajitas with chips and salsa. Kit learned how to make Mexican tissue paper flowers  and was in charge of decorating the table.

We wanted to have some friends come over to break the pinata and help eat the candy. While Kit was in Sabbath School she told her friends that she was going to break a pinata at 3:00 and they were invited to come and help. We went outside just a little before 3:00 and waited to see who would show up. Kit was afraid that no one would show up. Well you can see by the picture that many did show up. It was fun watching the kids ride their bikes as they came over to our house.

We had trouble hanging it so my husband hooked it up in a miniature basket ball net. When we blind folded the first person and spun him around, he swung only twice and broke it open, but since it had the miniature net under it it didn't fall down. All the rest of the kids were able to be blind folded and hit the pinata at least 2 times. They all had fun.

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