Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Geometry Week 10

Yesterday’s class was fun. We added ASA and AAS to our list of shortcuts to proving triangles congruent. We also expanded our proofs to add CPCTC, to use the parts of a congruent triangle to prove more parts of a triangle congruent. Later we will use this to prove other things, like that lines are parallel, and more. We did many proofs together. We covered sections 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6. The assignment for 4.5 is all proofs. There is no review for that day. There is plenty of review on section 4.6. Proofs are getting more straight forward, since we have to prove each part of the shortcut. That helps us have a better strategy. We finished Unit 4, but will not have the test until next week. I have started to prepare for Unit 5. Here is the quizlet link for the Postulate/Theorems/ and Terms. They can start writing them in their postulate book if they want.

We did a construction on section 4.4 here is a link to help you with it. 

Here are the videos:

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