Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Algebra 2 Week 3

This week your student will take their first test. There is a review assignment that is very similar to the test. Today we covered some helpful buttons on the calculator, an introduction to functions, and slopes of lines. There was only 2 new sections for homework. I am suggesting the assignments in this order, (1) review, (2) test, (3) 2.1 Introduction to Functions, and (4) 2.2 Slope. There is also a formula madness quiz that must be taken at home. We took one in class his week as a model. The quiz is 5 minutes over the same questions that we took this week. It is just a way to keep the material in their heads. Please bring all the assignments, test, and formula madness quiz to the next class.  Next Monday is Labor Day and we will not have class. Please send me questions by taking pictures of your homework paper or telling me the section and problem number  from the assignment you are needing help. I can send a video explaining the problem. I look forward to class in 2 weeks.

Here are the videos for this week:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Algebra 2 Week 2

Today was our second class of the year. We had some technical issues with the projector and the computer, but we just pulled out the old fashioned white board and did them the old school way. We did some time worked and distance word problems, these type of problems can be difficult so make sure you watch the video if you need it. We will be expanding on these types of problems in the future. The next sections were review from Algebra 1. We solved and graphed inequalities and compound inequalities. Then last we solved absolute value equations and inequalities. I want to thank Natalie for giving us some memory helps for the formula madness problems. There will be a quiz in class NEXT week. We will have our first Formula Madness quiz in class next week. You will have only 5 minutes to write down 20 formulas. Make sure that you study each day to put these formulas in you head. Consult the videos if you don’t understand any of your homework, and please ask questions of me by either GroupMe or text. I can send a video to help.

Here are the videos for this week:

Monday, August 5, 2019

Algebra 2 Week 1

We had a jam packed and fun first day of class. We went over the syllabus. Please take some time to read over it so you will understand the procedures for class. If you have any questions please ask me by text or GroupMe. This years theme is discipline, humility, and taking responsibility. We will be memorizing scripture, for extra credit on tests, that cover these topics. Today we watched a video that emphasized these topics. I invite you to watch it here. Then we dove into 3 lessons. These lessons were review from Algebra 1. In the lessons we covered the topics: order of operations, simplifying expressions, solving equations, and solving literal equations. The last thing we covered was the answers for the formula madness quizzes. I have made videos for each of these topics. They are on my blog or on YouTube. They will be edited and uploaded by morning. If you don’t understand you can watch these again, or send me a GroupMe text asking me a question. I want to help! We will not meet next week. I had a great time today. Let me know if you have any questions.

Here are the videos for this week: