Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Matching Letters

During our music time I have letters on the floor in alphabetical order.  We listen to songs while we dance and step on the letters. Kit is learning them in spanish and Mr. Wheels is learning them for the first time. I have been concentrating on A, B, C, & D only because I didn't want to overwelm him, but this day I started using all of them. I have 2 sets of the foam letters. One set is on the floor and I hand him another one for him to match. Days before I did this and he had some trouble finding the match, but today he did much better. I give him a letter and he walks around and looks at his letter and compares it with the letter on the floor. I was quite impressed. The picture below is him with letter R and U. I think it is cute that he was impressed with himself when he matched the U. He has a big smile.

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